31 August 2011

Sturgis 06 - Day 02

Sorry folks, didn't have nearly as much time as I expected while the bike was in dry dock. There is just so much to do in life these days, part of the problem with society in my eyes, everyone is in such a rush that there isn't time to enjoy life. I am just as guilty as the next person. Another PGR mission in “southern” Georgia last week, was a tough one that I may expand on later.

Our second day to Sturgis wasn't all that exciting but it was a milage day. The second day consisted of Interstate riding and a lot of it. We went from the eastern boarder of Iowa across the state, which we ended up calling “the poop state”. Our experience with Iowa during the heat of the summer days (90+ degrees) was that one can smell the fertilizer. You'll hear others say things like “being on a bike with the wind in your hair and the smell of nature in your nose” but that isn't one of nature's better smells. We were about half way through the state, still could smell the fertilizer, the numbers of other bikes we came across was increasing at a regular rate.

After crossing the poop state we started heading north up into South Dakota, on I-29 north we started seeing larger groups of bikes. They were like cockroaches coming out of the woodwork, shiny chrome and bright paint glistening in the sun light. Passing bikes and cages hauling bikes in masses like that jst gets your heart pounding to get there as quick as you can, however the distance just doesn't allow it. We spent the night in Mitchell, SD. We hear it is a nice town but our butts just wouldn't let us get any farther than the hotel parking lot. Once you are this close you better have reservations, the parking lot was full as was the lobby. There had to be at least 20 people hanging around the lobby to see if there were any available rooms. We had reservations so we were allowed to walk right up to the desk and get our rooms. While others didn't exactly look to happy about that, they had to understand those who made reservations were the smart ones. While normally we don't make reservations, with an event as large as Bike Week it is a must.

We parked the bikes along the others behind the motel by our rooms, all locked up for the night. We sat around and talked for a little bit, going over things we just saw on that days ride and planning tomorrows ride. Helpful hint for traveling with others, you go at a pace you are comfortable with. If you want to go fast and others want to go slow then do it. Make sure you have gas stops in mind so that you can meet up again at those locations. It is much easier than someone getting frustrated and mad that they are either going too fast or too slow.

Yea I know, not an exciting time but one has to have these types of day to get to the more exciting ones. Any day on the bike on the open road is a great day!

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