08 August 2011

How did it start?

  Remember back in your younger years, the family has been packing for a couple days, the excitement and anticipation to start the vacation has been building. It was a warm summer day, dew might have been on the grass when you arose and stepped outside to the car. Everything was carefully packed, some food and games have been added to the load to keep you kids busy during the long drive. “Everyone go to the bathroom before we leave”, echoed from your parents mouths until everyone had gone and the family was finally ready to start their summer vacation. Everything is ready and you and your family set off down the Interstate to a final destination of pleasure and relaxation. Ok, not much to do with Harley philosophy but actually this is where it probably started.

   While riding in the family car down the Interstate on that summer vacation you may have seen a motorcycle or two go by. You most likely didn't realize what kind of bike it was, that didn't matter at your young age.

   You wonder what it is like to ride a motorcycle, it starts out with the thrill of riding a motorcycle. That is what I want to do some day, I want to ride a motorcycle. Your dad asks if anyone needs to make a pitstop. There are answers of yes and please so the next rest stop is your first stop of the trip. You get out and make a bee line to the restroom. Maybe grab a drink and a snack on the way back out to the car. While either waiting for the driver to stretch their legs a bit you watch what is happening around the parking lot. A bunch of people are in the same situation you are in, family vacation, you see some business travelers but honestly don't really know at this point. Maybe you see someone moving with their Uhaul truck or trailer. While scanning the parking lot you see small cars, big cars, pickup trucks and the big semi-trucks that you were passing on those bigger hills going up and they passed you on the way down. Then you come across the one or two motorcycles parked most likely in some shade.

   Something has peaked your interest in the motorcycles, at the younger age you don't really know what it is, but wouldn't it be cool to travel like that? Now that your mind is racing with these thoughts you get back into the family car and go about your travels with the family. Depending on how far you are going you may have the same rest stop experience again and again.

   As you get older these thoughts change from being cool just to ride a motorcycle to what kind are they riding, I wonder what they do in this or that situation, I wonder what experiences they have out on the road traveling.

  Whether it was due to the freedom represented, the bad ass attitude they display or being different than main stream. They have their own language, dress code, rituals and basic way of life. I see it on the road to this day, riding down a street I peer at the cage next to me and find this little face peering out the window. They have a look of either amazement or curiosity but whatever that look is I am sure there are many questions involved. Some brave souls actually ask questions however those are few and far between. Not many people either have courage to approach me, maybe it is the 6'4” frame my body posses or it could be they don't really know how to approach a biker.

   Once we grow up we continue to be wondered by those who display some freedoms that we really have a hard time understanding. It could be a biker, a cowboy or truck driver The secret is that those types of people usually have more freedoms than the average person. There are popular tv shows both past and present which show our continued interest in these types of people. Shows and movies like “Easy Rider”, “BJ and the Bear”, “Convoy”, “Sons of Anarchy” and of course the many western movies. People see these persons as their own person, no one telling them what to do and when to do it. They can make up their own minds while not having to “punch a clock” at an office/factory.

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